Rich gauze-like passementerie work. The necropolis of Ancon in Peru; culture and industries of the empire of the Incas.
Category: 19th Century
Burmese Laos. Laotians of the Burmese possessions.
The Northern Laos, inhabited by the black-bellied Laotians, so named because the men have the habit of tattooing their belts and sometimes their whole body.
The Scottish clan Buchanan, their Tartan, Badge and War Cry.
Towards the middle of the 13th century, Gilbert, seneschal to the Earl of Lennox, obtained from him a part of the lands of Buchanan in Stirlingshire, and took his name from them.
Orthodox monks in the Chapel of Elijah on Mount Sinai, Egypt.
A view of the interior of the Chapel of Elijah on Mount Sinai, Egypt. The Orthodox chapel encloses an outcrop of rock that tradition equates with the source for the stone tablets of the Ten Commandments.
The Cliffs at Nahant, North Shore, Massachusetts, 1892.
This place was famous in the olden time as one of the favorite haunts of the great sea-serpent.
Principal court of the convent of St. Catherine, Mount Sinai.
The costume of the Monks of St. Catherine. The Superior is distinguished by a black cloak, the Brotherhood wear robes of the striped brown cloth.
Samaria the ancient Capital of the Kingdom of Israel.
Group of horseriders on a plateau overlooking a landscape with the city of Sebaste, formely Samaria.
View of a waterman to a coach stand, carrying two pails of water.
At every stand for hackney-coaches in the metropolis, there is one or more persons termed watermen, whose occupation is to attend to the horses.
Constance of Castile, Duchess of Lancaster with horned head-dress.
Constance of Castile (1354 – 24 March 1394) the second wife of John of Gaunt Duke of Lancaster with horned head-dress.
The Fountain of Mary or Virgin Fountain at Nazareth.
The figures introduced were all drawn on the spot, and convey an accurate representation of the female costume of Nazareth.