Tyrolean butter merchant from Joux Valley. Marchand de beurre. De la vallée de Dux.
Category: 19th Century
The United States of America after the Treaty of 1783.
The Treaty of Paris, which was signed on September 3, 1783 formally ended the American Revolutionary War between the Kingdom of Great Britain and the Thirteen Colonies in North America, who had fought against British rule since 1775.
Sweden Leksand. Traditional farmers national costumes.
Sweden Leksand. Traditional farmers national costumes early 19th century.
Capotes de Lemoniev Pelvey. La Mode may 1850.
Capotes de Lemoniev Pelvey. La Mode may 1850.
Blackfeet tribes. Chief of the Blood Indians. War chief of the Piekann.
Blackfeet tribes. Chief of the Blood Indians. War chief of the Piekann, Koutani Indian.
The Cape of Good Hope and surrounding countries.
The beginning of modern historiography in South Africa is set to 6 April 1652, when the Dutchman Jan van Riebeeck on behalf of the Dutch East India Company established a supply station at the Cape of Good Hope.
Battle between Assiniboine warriors and Blackfeet. Fort McKenzie.
Battle between Assiniboine warriors and Blackfeet in front of Fort McKenzie on the Upper Missouri River, 1833.
War invalid in 1850. Second French Republic.
Invalide de Guerre en 1850. Deuxième République française.
Chapeau de paille cousue. La mode 1834.
Chapeau de paille cousue. La mode 1834. Chapeau de paille cousue et paille de riz. Robe de Jaconas et mousseline laine imprimé. Canezou de batiste garni de dentellas.
Garde royal. Grenadier à Cheval. 2e Régiment 1825.
The Grenadiers à cheval de la Garde impériale were a regiment of heavy cavalry belonging to the Garde impériale of the First Empire.