India Fashion. Coiffures, Hats, Head-dresses. The Feminin Costume of the World. Coiffures, Hats, Head-dresses. Part VII. India. Plate 7. The Fascination of the Indian Costumes. Description of Plate 7. 1.… Read More
Category: Asia
Costume and fashion history of Asia. Manners and Customs. Collected from rare sources.
Costumes of the Ottoman court. Cara Coulouktjou, Ousta, 1850.
The motifs show costumes of the Ottoman court during the reign of Mahmoud II. Elbicei Atika was the name of a costume museum in Constantinople, originally located in the armoury of the Seraglio.
Chinese wife with bound feet, 1891.
Chinese wife with bound feet, 1891.
Basch Tshaousch, Kol Kiayassi. Costumes of the Ottoman Court.
Basch Tshaousch. Costumes of the Ottoman Court, 1850. Various Ottoman functionaries and military personnel in their traditional costumes.
Bach Tchohadar, Silihtar Aga, Peik, Solak.
Bach Tchohadar, Silihtar Aga, Peik, Solak. Ottoman Empire 1856. Various Ottoman functionaries and military personnel in their traditional costumes.
Various opium pipes. Opium smocking in Shanghai 1899.
The native opium grown in China, is generally considered the most inferior, and the Indian opium, especially Malwa and Patna, the best.
THE GRAND SEIGNEUR. The Turkish Sultan in 1749.
THE GRAND SEIGNEUR, taken from VIEN’S CARAVANNE, a book which represents the Dresses in a Turkish Masquerade given by the Pensioners of the French Academy at Rome, in the Year… Read More
Marquis Dufferin Ava with Armenian refugees.
Marquis Dufferin Ava with Armenian refugees at the hospital at Varna, Bulgaria 1896.
Habit of the Sultaness Queen in 1749.
Habit of the Sultaness Queen in 1749. La Sultane Reine. Consort of the Ottoman sultan. THE SULTANESS QUEEN, from VIEN’S CARAVANE *. The Habit of the Women, like that of… Read More
China 1897. The dying coolie by Isabella Bird Bishop.