Category: British fashion history

Ladies fashion of the 12th century. Virgin Mary. Anglo-Norman servants.

Ladies fashion, 12th century, fashion, costumes, England, middle ages,

These figures present interesting examples of the female costume among our ancestors in the first half of the twelfth century. Illuminations of the Cottonian Manuscript Nero C. IV.

Norman and Anglo-saxon costume period. Medieval England 1066-1154.

Empress Matilda, female regent, England, history, Middle ages costumes

The Norman Period. Medieval fashion and costume history of England 1066-1154. William the Conqueror, William II., Henry I., Stephen.

The Anglo-Saxon fashion and costume history. England c. 460 to 1066.

Saxon, Anglo-Saxon, costume, history, England

The Saxons commenced their conquests during the fifth century, but it was not until the year 720 that the earliest MS. preserved to us saw the light.