Becky Sharp. Vanity Fair by William Makepeace Thackeray. … IN the midst of the great persons assembled and the eye-glasses directed to her, Rebecca seemed to be as cool… Read More
Category: Victorian period
Capotes de Lemoniev Pelvey. La Mode may 1850.
Capotes de Lemoniev Pelvey. La Mode may 1850.
Carpets design 19th century. Masterpieces of industrial art.
Carpets design 19th century. Masterpieces of industrial art. CARPETS BY MESSRS. HENDERSON & CO., DURHAM, AND MESSRS. FILMER & SON, LONDON.
Embroidered Table center by Ann Macbeth. Glasgow School of Art, c. 1911.
Embroideries by Ann Macbeth. Glasgow School of Art.
Lancelot and Elaine, The Lady of Shalott.
Lancelot and Elaine. ELAINE the fair, Elaine the lovable, Elaine the lily maid of Astolat, High in her chamber up a tower to the East Guarded the sacred shield of… Read More
Captain Cuttle. Dombey and Son by Charles Dickens.
Captain Cuttle. Dombey and Son by Charles Dickens.
Crinoline costumes by Mad. Debaizieux. Romantic era 1850.
Dresses by Mad. Debaizieux. La Mode 1850.
Romantic era crinoline fashion. La Mode 1850.
Crinoline fashion. La Mode 1850.
Walter Besant. The World Went Very Well Then. John Brooking’s Studio.
Sir Walter Besant (1836-1901) was an English social reformer, freemason and writer who drew attention mainly on the urban mass poverty. In addition to essays and historical essays he wrote numerous novels.
The Death of Virginia. Lays of ancient Rome.
Lais of Ancient Rome is an 1842 collection of narrative poems, or lais, by Thomas Babington Macaulay.