Adrienne Couvreur, called Lecouvreur, was considered the most important French actress of her time.
Category: France
Model of Précieux Enchantement. Art deco hat fashion 1921.
Model of Précieux Enchantement. Art deco hat fashion 1921. Les Chapeaux du Très Parisien Vol. 1. Hiver 1921-1922. Direction artistique: G.P. Joumard.
Hat Models of Graces Discrètes. Art deco hat fashion 1921.
Hat Models of Graces Discrètes. Art deco hat fashion 1921. Les Chapeaux du Très Parisien Vol. 1. Hiver 1921-1922. Direction artistique: G.P. Joumard.
Hat Models of Sourire d’Automne. Art deco hat fashion 1921.
Hat Models of Sourire d’Automne. Art deco hat fashion 1921. Les Chapeaux du Très Parisien Vol. 1. Hiver 1921-1922. Direction artistique: G.P. Joumard.
Maria Karolina Zofia Felicja Leszczyńska 1725-1768.
Maria Karolina Zofia Felicja Leszczyńska from the polish noble Leszczynski was by marriage to Louis XV. Queen of France.
Marie-Adélaïde de Savoie, duchesse de Bourgogne 1685-1712.
Marie-Adélaïde de Savoie was the mother of King Louis XV.
Françoise d’Aubigné, marquise de Maintenon 1635-1719.
Françoise d’Aubigné, marquise de Maintenon, briefly called Madame de Maintenon was the last mistress and in morganatic marriage, the second wife of Louis XIV of France.
Ninon de Lenclos. The Celebrated Beauty of the 17th Century.
Ninon de L’Enclos was a French liberal and educated intellectual, feminist, writer (La coquette vengée “The Flirt Avenged”) and lover of many also famous contemporaries. She was one of the outstanding women of the ancien regime, the participation in their Jours was a great society honor.
Hairstyle Louis XIII. period.
Historic french hairstyle. Louis XIII. period 17th century. Early baroque period. „Album de coiffures histories“ by E. Nissy. Published 1890 by Albert Brunet.
Fin de siècle illustration by Raphael Kirchner
Raphael Kirchner worked as an illustrator, among other things, for the magazine “La Vie Parisienne”.