Page of a man of arms, knight in the 15th century. PAGE d’un Homme d’Armes, XV° siècle.
Category: Middle Ages
Middle Ages costumes and fashion. Period between 700 to 15th century. Style of Byzantine, Carolingian, Romanesque, Gothic and Renaissance.
Adornment of a Gentleman. France 15th century. Middle ages costume.
Parure de Gentilhomme (commencement du XV siècle.)
French crossbowman of the 12th Century. Militia of commons.
Milice des communes, Arbaletrier. XII° Siècle. Histoire de l’Armée par M. Adrien Pascal.
English knight in 1320. Reign of of King Edward II.
Knight in the reign of of King Edward II. and his son Edward III. (1312 – 1377).
Armed infantry warrior in brigandine. France 10th century.
Armed infantry warrior in brigandine. France 10th century. Guerrier arme de la Brigantine. X° Siècle.
France 14th century. Knight in armour and weapons with page and horse.
France 14th century. Knight in armour and weapons from 1300 to 1350. Military of the Middle ages.
Wandering musicians of the 15t century.
Musiciens ambulants. XVe siècle. Tiére de mobilier d’Eugène Viollet-le-Duc.
13th century costume of a young english nobleman.
13th century costume of a young nobleman. England costume of a young nobleman in the reign of King Henry III in summer dress, 1250.
Esmeralda. Phoebus de Chateaupers. Notre Dame de Paris.
Phoebus de Chateaupers. Captain of the archers.
Philippa of Hainault. Queen of England in 1369.
Philippa of Hainault. Queen of England 1369. Tthe rivalry between her sons was ultimately the trigger for the Wars of the Roses