WILLIAM MACDONALD. H.R.H. The Prince of Wales Piper. Dressed in the tartan of the Duke of Rothesay, one of H.R.H.`s titles.
Category: Genre
Frankish King Henry II., and Bishop of the 11th century.
Figure of Frankish King Henry II., 973-1024, called the saints and a Frankish bishop.
Carolingian West Frankish king Charles II the Bald
Frankish King Charles II the Bald, with two pages. Charles II dit le Chauve. Carolingian 9th century
Noble Franconian women. Medieval clothing 10th century.
The history of costumes. Twenty-ninth arch. X. Century. Illustration by A. Müller. Munich picture sheet no. 592.
King and Queen of the Franks. Medieval nobility 10th century.
The history of costumes. Frankish king and queen. The history of costumes.
Fashion History of the French Republic. The fashions of the Directory.
The fashion of two dresses, one worn over the other, that had been so general in the latter half of the seventeenth century, and the first half of the eighteenth, had completely disappeared in favour of one gown only.
Caraco à la anglaise. Modes de Paris, Paul Gavarni 1787.
Costumes historiques pour travestissements par Paul Gavarni
Fashion in the Reign of Louis XVI. 1780 to 1789. Modes de Paris.
Fashion in the Reign of Louis XVI. Modes de Paris. Caps – Bonnets – Ruches – Low bodices – Coats, cravats, and waistcoats, Sailor jackets and” pierrots”.
Reign of Louis XVI. 1774 to 1780. The influence of Marie Antoinette.
The influence of Marie Antoinette on fashion. Various styles of head-dresses. Rose Bertin the world’s first acclaimed couturier. Male and female hairdressers. The toilet of the queen of France. The opera.
The Evolution of Modern Feminine Fashion 1786.
Paris à l’Anglaise. France in 1786, the evolution of modern feminine fashion.