Friedrich III. 1415 -1493, from the house of Habsburg was from 1440 Roman-German king and from 1452 Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire.
Category: Genre
Création d’un chevalier au 15ème siècle. L’armure du jeune chevalier.
L’ÉCLAT de la chevalerie commença à s’obscurcir dans le XIVe siècle, et s’éclipsa entièrement vers la fin du XVe.
Tournament leaders in the 14th c. Jousting knights.
Tournament leaders. Jousting Knights. From the King René manuscript
Baroness during the reign of Francis I, 16th century.
Baroness during the reign of Francis I, 16th century. Renaissance fashion era.
Défi du Tournoi. Costumes du 15ème siècle.
Challenge of the Tournament. Chivalrous scene at the court of King René. Costumes of the 15th century. Costumes du 15ème siècle. Le bon Roi René, René Ier d’Anjou ou Renatus d’Anjou de 1409 à 1480.
Duc of the Court of Francis I, 1530. Fashion of the Renaissance.
Duc de la cour de François Ier, 1530. Illustration de 1861 par Compte-Calix (1813-1880) Musée cosmopolite.
Timeline of the French Revolution 1789 – 1799.
Timeline of the French Revolution 1789 – 1799. January 24, 1789 – November 9, 1799 – Coup of 18 Brumaire to Paris – the end of the French Revolution.
Lady at the Court of Francis I, 1530.
Lady at the Court of Francis I, 1530. Renaissance fashion era.
Costume Milan Italie médiévale.
Costume Milan Italie médiévale du 14ème siècle
Costumes Pyrenees. Surroundings of Pau.
Costumes Pyrenees. Surroundings of Pau. Environs de Pau.