Dame Romaine (Nouvelle mairee 1581). Costumes historiques, de la ville ou de théâtre et travestissements.
Fra ‘Jean de la Valette, Grand Master of the Military Order of Malta.
Fra ‘Jean de la Valette, Jean Parisot de La Valette, (1494 – 1568) was the 49th Grand Master of the Military Order of Malta
Sir Walter Raleigh and the New World. Founding of Roanoke.
Sir Walter Raleigh was one of the most brilliant and one of the most ambitious men at the court of Queen Elizabeth.
American War of Independence. American uniforms (1775–1783).
American uniforms: The Household History of the United States and its people by Edward Eggleston.
Limbu. Male and female.
Limbu. Male and female.
Confederate Uniforms. American Civil War. Sezession.
Confederate Uniforms. North Carolina Militia. Reg. Infantry Private. Washington Artillery. Montgomery True Blue. Filed Officer. General Lee.
Colonial Costumes. 17th to 18th century.
Colonial Costumes.
The Howling Dervishes. Muslim ascetic orders. Ecstatic Dances.
Muslim ascetic orders. Ecstatic Dances. Life on the Bosphorus. Doings in the city of the Sultan. Turkey, past and present, including chronicles of the Caliphs from Mahomet to Abdul Hamid II. by William J. J. Spry.
Ancient inhabitants of France. The Land of the Celts or Gauls.
WHAT we now call France or the “land of the Franks” was formerly termed Gaul,* the “land of the Celts,”
Abyssinian and Egyptians.
Abyssinian and Egyptians. Abyssin et Égyptiens. Guerriers et soldats du désert.