The Sinhalese men dress in a comboy (sarong or amude), which is formed of a long piece of cloth, sewn together at the two ends.
Native Servants of Mumbai.
Typical pictures of Indian Natives. By F. M. Coleman
The Arab horse dealers in India.
Arab horse dealers in India. In like manner to the Cabulis, the Arabs in India are mainly dealers in horses. In Bombay especially numbers of these men are to be… Read More
The Bhisti. Indian Native 19th century
The Bhisti A very useful man is the Bhisti, and, relatively speaking, a hard-working individual. He carries upon his hip the entire skin of a goat, the body and legs… Read More
A Bombay (Mumbai) merchant. The Persians in India.
Many Persian families who have settled permanently in India and to some extent have adopted the dress of their new compatriots.
Flamande costume femme XVII Siecle. Flemish woman 17th c.
Flemish woman costume XVII Century. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Greek woman of the 19th century. Femme Grecque.
Femme Grecque. Modes et Costumes Historiques par Xavier Willemin.
A Jewish priest from Bagdad. The Sassoon family in India.
There are a considerable number of Jews in Bombay, and the richest family in all India, The Sassoon, are Bagdad Jews.
Représentation romantique en costume d’une paysanne italienne.
Romantic costume depiction of an Italian peasant woman. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Corsages. Les modes de la renaissance. Costume féminin français.
CORSAGES. Gorgière fine empesée, Gorgière très fine, Corsage à vastes manches, Corsage vert-de-gris, Cape jaune paille. L’Histoire du costume féminin français. Les modes de la renaissance de l’an 1461 á l’an 1574.