Women`s folk clothing from Saint Colomban des Villards, Savoie. Costumes Nationaux by Lepage Medvey, Editions Hyperion, 1939. Gallery: Traditional French national costumes
Jane Blanchot. Fashion – Créations, 1922.
The triumph of the feather and the reign of the silky purse.
Model of Cote d`Azur. Les Chapeaux du Très Parisien
Model of Cote d`Azur.
Franche-Comté costume.
Franche-Comté costume. The Franche-Comté, was a region in eastern France. It consisted of the departments of Doubs, Jura, Haute-Saône and Territoire de Belfort.
Pair of pistols which belonged to Emperor Napoleon I., Bonaparte.
Pair of pistols which belonged to Emperor Napoleon I., Bonaparte. Claverhouse’s pistol is a fine old Highland pistol. Pistol of John Campbell, Doune.
The gigantic warrior of Bosworth Field.
Armor from hall door of Abbotsford designed for a French knight.
Exotique. Modèle Lewis. Franca-Florio de Palerme.
“Exotique”. Modèle Lewis, porte Mme. Franca-Florio de Palerme.
Women in traditional dress from Dieppe, Normandy.
Women in traditional dress from from Dieppe, Normandy. Costumes Nationaux by Lepage Medvey, Editions Hyperion.
A Mahazi and a Soualeh Bedouin. The Oriental Album.
A Mahazi and a Soualeh Bedouin by Prisse d’Avennes
Malay Kris. Polygar`s Knife. Abbotsford Swords and dagger.
Polygar`s Knife, Malay Kris, Tartar Sword in Brass-Mounted Shagreen Scabbard, Rob Roy`s Dirk. Hunting Knives or Couteaux de Chasse.