In a grave scarcely 3 metres deep we see a shapeless mummy pack bound round with a netting of cordage, its cotton wrapping coloured a deep brown with decay.
Exposed graves with Mummies of simple type.
Bleached bones, scattered shreds of raiment, bast coverings and cordage used in the careful preservation of the bodies.
The deep grave of the false-headed Mummies.
The narrow vertical shaft, broadening upwards like a funnel, leads downwards to a burial chamber.
The Garden of Gethsemane, Mount of Olives, Palestine.
At the base of the Mount of Olives is a small enclosure surrounded by a whitewashed wall. It is the reputed Garden of Gethsemane.
Assyrian Trinkets. Jewels, Adornments, precious stones and gold.
The History of the Feminine Costume of the World. The Luxurious Assyrian Costumes.
Assyrian Footwear. Shoes, Sandals, Boots, Stockings.
The feet of the Assyrians were covered by sandals with uppers, embracing the heel, and leaving the instep and toes uncovered.
Textile design of the Assyrians. Materials, manufacture, colors, culture.
Mesopotamia. Materials, manufacture, colors, culture. Textile design of the Assyrians.
The different forms of sleeves on Assyrian clothing.
The sleeve shapes of Assyrian clothing. Assyrian woman’s costume. Costumes for both sexes.
Richly ornamented and embroidered Assyrian Skirts.
Assyrian dresses were richly ornamented, the opening of the dress and the bottom of the skirt bearing a double row of rosettes and long fringes
The northern Part of Ancon Bay and the millstones of the Necropolis.
A seaward prospect from the Necropolis, commanding the northern section of Ancon Bay. It is taken from the hills in the south-west corner.