Battle between Assiniboine warriors and Blackfeet in front of Fort McKenzie on the Upper Missouri River, 1833.
Tag: American Scenery
Apache medicine shirts. The medicine-men of the Apache.
Apache medicine shirts. The medicine-men of the Apache by John Gregory Bourke. Smithsonian Institution. Bureau of American Ethnology.
General Custer, Grand Duke Alexis and Buffalo Bill.
Time of the famous buffalo hunt in honor of the Grand Duke Alexis.
Boxing Scenes by George Wesley Bellows.
George Wesley Bellows 1882 -1925 was known especially for his paintings of urban life in New York.
New York working girls in an Opium Den, 1883.
Scene In An Opium Den, In Pell Street, New York. Frequented By Working Girls. 1883.
Iroquois, Assiniboine, Pawnee, Dakota. American Natives 1886.
Iroquois. Assineboin. Crow. Pawnee Woman. Assineboin in gala dress. Dakotah or Sioux warrior. Dakotah or Sioux woman.
THE preceding engraving are taken from the original portraits, in the possession of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania.
A Chippeway widow with the best of her late husband’s clothes.
A Chippeway widow, on the death of her husband, selects from his scanty wardrobe, a complete suit of his best clothes.
He is one of the hereditary chiefs of the Teton tribe, of the Dacotah nation.
Powasheek a Fox Chief
He was a daring warrior, and held a respectable standing in council, as a man of prudence and capacity.