Mughal Empire. Indian Helmet, shield and swords.
Tag: Asian military
Tien An Men parade. Chinese National Day 1954.
Chinese National Day. Tien An Men parade 1954. National Day, October 1- here in Pecking’s Tien An Men Square, Chairman Mao Tse-tung reviews the marching columns of the paraders. Source:… Read More
A Trooper at the Court of Amarapoorah. Burma.
A Trooper at the Court of Amarapoorah.
A Chinaman. Chinese Mandarin and the dog as a sign of dignity.
The dog is a sign of dignity both in China and Siam. It appears at the portrait VAN TA GIN in Barrow’s Travels in China wears on his breast.
Ornamental Metal Work from East India.
Ornamental Metal Work. Ornamented Weapons, etc. Contributed by the Rao of Kutch.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Japanese military leader 16th century.
Toyotomi Hideyoshi (1537-1598) japanese warlord, feudal lord and court noble
Costume of a Japanese soldier with gun.
Japanese soldier with gun. Asian costumes by Auguste Wahlen.
Japanese soldier, 19h century. Soldat Japonais.
Traditional Japanese soldier uniform, 19h century.
Japanese rider, 19h century. Cavalier Japonais.
Japanese rider, 19h century. Samurai.
Vietnam Soldier costume in 1843. Cohinchinois military.
Vietnam Soldier costume 1843. Soldat Cohinchinois. Cochinchina, French Cochinchine, Vietnamese Nam Kỳ (from Chinese 南圻, “southern border”) is an old name for southern Vietnam and parts of eastern Cambodia, between… Read More