France. The fashion of the dandies from 1801 to 1805. Paris in transition from Directoire to Empire.
Tag: First Empire Style
France. At the horse race at the Promenade de Longchamp. 1802.
France. The fashions under the consulate. Fashionable Parisians enjoy a beautiful spring day at the horse race at the Promenade de Longchamp in 1802.
The fashions of the end of the 18th century. After German Journals.
Europe. 18th century. The French influence. Under the reign of terror, the development of fashions began and reached perfection under the direction of the Directorate.
Masked Paris Opera Ball 1804, by Jean-Francois Bosio.
Costumed Empire people at a masked ball at the Paris Opera 1804. Illustration by Jean-Francois Bosio. Composition pour le “Journal des Dames”.
Empire Fashion and Hairstyles from 1800 to 1810.
First Empire Fashion and Hairstyles from 1800 to 1810. According to the fashion journals of the time. Modes et Coiffures de 1800 a 1810. D après les journaux de mode de… Read More
Dessins de broderie. France 1818.
Dessins de broderie Embroidery designs. France 1818.
Light infantry of the Imperial Guard (Napoleon 1st, 1809).
Infanterie légère de la Garde Impériale (Napoléon 1er,1809). Voltigeur. Carabinier.
Fancy turban. Filled Twists dress. Regency fashion 1804.
First Empire. Turban de Fantaisie. Robe Garnie en Torsades. Costumes parisien 1804.
Short puffed sleeves costume. Guirlande de Mousse mêlée de fleurs.
Journal des dames et des modes. Costumes parisien 1798. Guirlande de Mousse mêlée de fleurs. Manches courtes, gonflées sur l’avant – bras. Ceinture, formée dun Ruban rayé, à carreaux.
The allied sovereigns attending a review in Hyde Park, 1814.
The allied sovereigns. The Duke of Wellington. The King of Prussia. Prince Regent (George IV). The Emperor of Russia.