Kaga decor of two bowls from different periods. Ao Kutani & Ko Kutani. Japan ceramics.
Tag: Japanese theme
Japanese culture, arts and crafts, customs, mythology, religion and everyday life published at the beginning of the 20th century and in the 19th century .
Yomei-mon at Nikko, Japan.
This exquisitely beautiful structure called Yomei-mon is accounted the finest of its kind in all Japan.
Scenery of Matsushima, Japan.
Matsushima, or the Pine Islands, are classed among the three most beautiful sights in Japan.
Japan. Kakiyemon porcelain. Usugumo
Statue of the courtesan Usugumo of Yoshiwara (Tamaya uchi Usugumo) by Kakiyemon
Landscape gardening in Japan.
LANDSCAPE GARDENING. Flowers and Gardens of Japan by Florence Du Cane
Japan. The Bronze Buddha at Kamakura.
The Bronze Buddha at stands facing the sea on the deserted site of Kamakura.
Japan. Kosode, lady’s robe by Ogata Kōrin.
Kosode worn by ladies at the time of Genroku, by Ogata Kōrin.
Plum Blossoms. Springflowers. The Flowers of Japan.
The floral art of Japan by Josiah Conder
The Hama Rikiu Garden at Tokyo, Japan.
The Imperial Garden of the Hama Residence is a park in the Chūō district of Tokyo, Japan.
Japan. Street vender of flowers. 1897.
The love of flowers among the Japanese is universal and amounts almost to a passion.