View of the arch of the Ecce-Homo, with the smaller arch to the north, discovered by Pierotti.
Tag: Jewish customs
Traditional Jewish dress, culture and customs of the various regions.
Jerusalem. Ancient Jewish work in the Haram Wall.
Ancient Jewish work in the north-east of the Haram Wall, near S. Mary’s Gate. Jerusalem.
Entrance to the tombs of the kings, Jerusalem. Plan and sections.
Plan and sections of the Tombs of the Kings, and of other tombs; that of Jehoshaphat, and one like that of our Lord.
Bethlehem. Historical views and description of its sites.
The town of Bethlehem and its surroundings depicted and described in the travelogues of David Roberts and Luigi Mayer in the 19th century.
Jewish maid of Algiers costume.
Arabia, Algeria. Jewish maid of Algiers. Historical clothing. From the book: Mœurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d’après des documents and authentiques et les voyages des… Read More
Switzerland medieval costumes. 15th century.
Switzerland medieval costumes. 15th century. The Count, Countess, the lawyer, the bourgeois, bourgeois and their son, Jew. Artist: Ferdinand Seré (1818-1855). Lithographer: E. I. Hangard-Maugé. Le comte, la comtesse, le… Read More
A Jewish priest from Bagdad. The Sassoon family in India.
There are a considerable number of Jews in Bombay, and the richest family in all India, The Sassoon, are Bagdad Jews.
Jewish character of the old city center of Warsaw, Poland. 1930s
Jewish character of the old city center of Warsaw, Poland. 1930s