The early history of the Herbert family. William Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke. Full length, standing, in black-slashed doublet and trunk hose, with short cloak. Tudor era. Wilton House Pictures.
Category: 16th Century
Costumes and Fashion in 16th century. Renaissance, Spanish Fashion, Tudor.
Venetian seigneurs. Nobles of France and Italy. 16th c.
Iconographie générale et méthodique du costume du IVe au XIXe siècle.
The “Pembroke” tapestry. Tapestry weaving in England. Tudor 16th c.
The “Pembroke” tapestry at V&A Museum, contains the armorial bearings of Sir William Herbert, 1st Earl of Pembroke in the style known as “grotesque”.
Soldiers from Lombardy and Venice in the 16th century.
Italian soldiers in Mi-Parti fashion. Renaissance clothing from Venice and Lombardy at the beginning of the 16th century.
Portraits of five of the best known Mughal emperors of Delhi.
Although the portraits represent the most illustrious occupants of the Imperial throne, they have not been chosen mainly for that reason, but because in every case the person represented is wearing interesting examples of jewellery.
Italian embroidered silk hangings. The treasury of ornamental art. 16th c.
THIS engraving shows the upper and lower portions of a vertical panel, supposed to have originally formed a pilaster or border to a piece of tapestry.
Queen Elisabeth’s Buskins.
Habit of a Woman of Africa in 1581
Habit of a Woman of Africa in 1581 from Habitus Variarum. Africaine
The court society of the castle gathers for a ride.
Miniature of the Breviary of Cardinal Grimani, attributed to Marciana Biblioteca of S.Marc, Venice. Fifteenth century.
Renaissance Helmet of Alfonso Piccololomini di Firenze.
Renaissance Helmet of Alfonso Piccololomini di Firenze.