Women’s head-dress of linen. Edged in front with white lace. — From 1750—1850.
Category: 20th Century
The Holy House of Loreto. The Basilica della Santa Casa.
In the slope of the eastern Apennines, overlooking the Adriatic gulf, stands what may be called the European Nazareth.
Costume silhouettes at the beginning of the twentieth century.
In 1920 the costume consisting of a straight, short skirt, trim box coat or sweater and blouse
Trouser shapes of Asia Minor. Turkey, Kurdish, Persian.
Trousers of a Kurdish leader. Turkish men’s trousers, Armenian women’s trousers, Persian men’s trousers.
Jerusalem. The Cotton Merchants’ Market. Suq al-Qattanin.
One of the entrances to the temple area within which stands the Mosque of Omar.
Traditional clothing from Arabia, Palestine and Syria.
Costume cuts and robe shapes from Arabia, Palestine and Syria.
Gardens of the Dal Lake at Srinagar in Kashmir.
Mughal gardens in Srinagar, Kashmir. Gardens of the Great Mughals by Constance Mary Villiers Stuart. Nishat Bagh, Shalimar Bagh.
A shop and street in Chinatown of San Francisco.
A shop and street in Chinatown from a portfolio of photographs by John L. Stoddard and Old Chinatown by Arnold Genthe.
Benares, the sacred city in the Vedic times.
Benares, (Varanasi) the sacred city: sketches of Hindu life and religion. Early worship, early ritual, religious literature, Brahmanas and Upanishads
The souk or bazaar in oriental cities.
Souks are an almost universal feature of an oriental Arab city and usually also its economic centre.