Scalp Shirt of the Chief of the Lakota Oglala-Sioux. It had (perhaps) once belonged to the great chief of the Sioux, Crazy Horse, or had at least been worn by him.
Category: North America
North America costume
Metamora, Last of Wampanoags. First Americans.
Metamora, Last of Wampanoags. The Wampanoag (accent on the o, English pronunciation:. Wɑːmpənoʊ.æɡ), Pawkunnakut or Wôpanâak are Indians of eastern New England, the Gulf of Maine and the Atlantic coast,… Read More
Traditional Native American Indian costumes.
Traditional Native American Indian costumes 1850s. Gallery: Les nations. Album des Costumes De Tous les Pays. Par Alexandre Lacauchie. Paris. Maison Martinet. Haute Cœur frères 41, Rue Vivienne et 146, Rue… Read More
Maude Adams as Peter Pan 1905
Maude Adams was an American stage actress in the early 20th century.
A Sarcee Tsuu T’ina woman. First Nation reserve Tsuu T’ina Nation.
The Tsuu T’ina were the northern representatives of the Plains culture and among the tribes on the North Western Plains they were generally regarded as the bravest and most warlike.
General Custer, Grand Duke Alexis and Buffalo Bill.
Time of the famous buffalo hunt in honor of the Grand Duke Alexis.
Boxing Scenes by George Wesley Bellows.
George Wesley Bellows 1882 -1925 was known especially for his paintings of urban life in New York.
New York working girls in an Opium Den, 1883.
Scene In An Opium Den, In Pell Street, New York. Frequented By Working Girls. 1883.
Midē Wiwin or The “Grand Medicine Society” of the Ojibwa.
The Midewiwin is the society of the Mide or Shamans, popularly designated as the Grand Medicine Society. Its ritual, and the traditions of Indian genesis and cosmogony, constitute a powerful religion.
American Beauty by Albert Sterner. Painter, printmaker and illustrator.
Albert Sterner. American Beauty. Illustration (1906). Publication: Paintings by Leading American Artists 1908. Publisher: Collier & Son.