Costumes & customs in Japan by Kazuma Ogawa. Tokyo 1892
“No. I, Iidamachi, Shichome, Kojimachiku, Tokyo, Japan.”
Category: Asia
Costume and fashion history of Asia. Manners and Customs. Collected from rare sources.
The Tokchim Tarjum. The Forbidden Land, 1898.
The Tokchim Tarjum, 1898.
Tibet. Mo divination with bones, also called Sho-mo.
Mo is a form of foresight (also known as divination) that is part of Tibetan culture and religion.
The Armenian bishop of Djulfa, Azerbaidjan. c. 1886
The Armenian bishop of Djulfa, Azerbaidjan. c. 1886. The cathedral of Eschmiadsin.
Wakf property of Daniel. Visit to Sheikh Thae.
Wakf property of Daniel. Sheikh Thae. Visit to Sheikh Thaer, administrator of the Wakf property of Daniel, 1848. Iran. Khuzestan. Ab-Dizfoul and the secretaries of Sheikh Thaer. Drawing of Tofani,… Read More
Kirghiz Sultan Beck and family. Kazakhstan.
Kirghiz Sultan Beck and family. Kazakhstan. Sultan Beck and family, trained hunting-hawk and camels.
Buddhist Priest and Gentleman of Loo choo. Japan.
Ryukyu Islands. Shō-Dynastie. Known as the Great Loo-Choo Island, Okinawa Japan.
Seppuku, Hara Kiri. Ritualized type of male suicide. Japan Samurai.
The seppuku Hara Kiri (jap. 切腹) is a ritualized type of male suicide, which was spread around the middle of the twelfth century in Japan within the shift of the samurai and was officially banned in 1868.
Okinawa, Japan. Loo Choo Chief and his Two Sons.
Okinawa, Japan. Loo Choo Chief and his Two Sons.
Korean Chief and his Secretary 1816
Korean Chief and his Secretary.