Costume Toque de Velours. Witz-choura de Satin.
Category: France
Costume Robe Garnie en Chicorée. Coeffure Chinoise.
Costume Robe Garnie en Chicorée. Coeffure Chinoise.
Merveilleuse with costume Domino Garni de Dentelle.
French neoclassical fashion. Merveilleuse Costume Domino Garni de Dentelle. Cornette de Lévantine.
Echarpe Ecossaise. Neoclassical costume Broderies à Roues.
Costume Broderies à Roues. Chapeau de Paille d’Italie. Echarpe Ecossaise.
Pyrrhus Receiving the Honor of Knighthood
Pyrrhus Receiving the Honor of Knighthood BEASONS of considerable force are adduced by M. Jubinal, in his splendid work on Early Tapestries, for believing that the Tapestry from which the… Read More
Rococo coiffures of the 18th century.
Various Rococo headdresses and hairstyles; from the books of the time.
French baroque and rococo wigs. Diderot`s Encyclopaedia
Wigs of men and woman. Baroque, rococo. 18th century. Diderot`s Encyclopaedia
Limonadiere before triumphal arch of the Place du Carrousel. Paris, 1821.
No vender of any article in the world makes a greater display than the Limonadiere of Paris.
Flower girl of Paris with huge wooden shoes, 1821.
This way of carrying loads is common in France. A wooden frame is secured to the shoulders, and rests upon the whole surface of the back to the hips.
Coshois at Dieppe, Seine-Maritime. Sketches Illustrative 1821.
THE entry into France by Dieppe is particularly striking, it resembles very much an old English town.