The lady with the veil. Hat by Martha Loewenthal. Drawing by Leonard. Styl, table 5, Issue VII, 1922.
Category: Germany
Shakos during the Napoleonic wars.
Shakos of the 19th century. Napoleonic wars (Coalition Wars).
Military Shakos of the Napoleonic wars.
Shakos of Voltigeurs, Cavalry, Hussars, Artillery, Infantry, Grenadier, Officer, Fusilier, Flanqueur. Battle of Waterloo.
Hat and Sword of Napoleon Bonaparte I.
Of the various hats of Napoleon are for Ex. only about 9 pieces as a known obtained, of which only one of the consular time.
Beautiful autumn day. Models by Eugen Mossner, 1922.
Beautiful autumn day. Costume Models by Mossner. Drawing of Offterdinger. Styl, table 6, Issue VII, 1922. Berlin Fashion House Eugen Mossner. Schöner Herbsttag. Modelle von Mossner. Zeichnung von Offterdinger. Styl,… Read More
Orchids. Short jacket from Gerstel.
Orchids. Short jacket from Gerstel. Drawing by Ludwig Kaiser. Styl, table 7, Issue VII, 1922. Gallery: STYL – 1920s German Art Déco Fashion Magazine by Ludwig Sternaux. Published in Berlin… Read More
Rendezvous. Costume and Ulster coat of Fabian U. Krich.
Rendezvous. Costume and Ulster coat of Fabian U. Krich. Drawing of Krotowski. Styl, table 8, Issue VII, 1922. Gallery: STYL – 1920s German Art Déco Fashion Magazine by Ludwig Sternaux.… Read More
Soiree. Model of Herrmann Gerson. STYL 1920s
Model of Herrmann Gerson. Drawing by R. L. Leonard. Style, panel 10, Issue VII, 1922.
Bernhard Wenig. Designs for modern cloth fabrics.
Bernhard Wenig, Berchtesgaden. Art Nouveau designs for modern cloth pattern. German Art and Decoration 1901.
Paul Lang. Designs for fabric patterns.
Designs for fabric patterns by Paul Lang, Obertürkheim. Darmstadt Germany 1911.