Getting ready for Deauville. The parsienne is already enjoying foretastes of the idyllic delights of country life.
Category: Fashion History
Rococo hunting party by Charles André van Loo 1737.
This painting dates from the most characteristic period of Louis XV’s reign and shows an extremely accurate representation of the society of that time.
Odette de Champdivers called La Petite Reine and Charles VI.
In the days of the Capetian Kings. Odette de Champdivers called La Petite Reine, was mistress of the mad French king Charles VI.
Comtesse de Provence in Robe de Cour, Moyen Panier 1778.
LA COMTESSE DE PROVENCE. Robe de Cour, Moyen Panier 1778. Galerie des Modes et Costumes Français Dessinés d’Apres Nature 1778-1787.
The story of Catalina de Erauso, the fighting nun lieutenant.
THE story of Catalina de Erauso, the Spanish nun who became famous as a soldier
Marie Therese Louise Lamballe of Savoy, Princess of Carignan.
Princess Lamballe. This illustrious female was one of the most innocent victims of the Revolution
Matron, maid, citizen. Bourgeois women 17th c.
German baroque fashion in 1644. Matron, maid, citizen.
Anne Bonny and Mary Read. Women pirates.
WOMEN WHO POSED AS MEN. The Golden Age of piracy.
The latest Paris fashion 1898.
The latest Paris fashion, Belle Epoque. Toilette de Réception. February 1898.
Chevalier Charles d’Éon de Beaumont.
He was a transgender/non-binary french spy. one of the most brilliant and contradictory characters of the eighteenth century