Group of horseriders on a plateau overlooking a landscape with the city of Sebaste, formely Samaria.
Category: Genre
View of a waterman to a coach stand, carrying two pails of water.
At every stand for hackney-coaches in the metropolis, there is one or more persons termed watermen, whose occupation is to attend to the horses.
Anglo-Saxon dress, ornaments and relics of gold and bronze.
The great love of the Saxons for display in dress and ornament led to a very, remarkable development of artistic skill in fashioning and decorating articles of jewelry, which were worn by men in greater profusion than by women.
The Fountain of Mary or Virgin Fountain at Nazareth.
The figures introduced were all drawn on the spot, and convey an accurate representation of the female costume of Nazareth.
Orders of monks and nuns. Historical religious habit of the Orient.
These oriental monastic and nun’s habit date back to the earliest times of Christianity.
The spirit or ghost dance headdress of the Apache.
The Medicine-men of the Apache. The spirit or ghost dance headdress of the Apache. Apache kan or gods (Drawn by Apache).
Jerusalem. Plan of the Church of the Resurrection and the Holy Sepulchre.
Plan of the Church of the Resurrection and the Holy Sepulchre. Interior views of the Great Dome, Calvary, Greek Chapel, Chapel of S. Helena.
Scene at Fifth Avenue, New York by William Thomas Smedley.
Belle Époque. Fifth Avenue looking north towards the southern entrance to Central Park by W. T. Smedley, 1899.
Conventional flora and flower work. Middle ages. 15th century.
THE details that fill the accompanying plate are too numerous for us to indicate the sources from which they have been derived, but they have all been taken from manuscripts of the fifteenth century.
The Holy Land. Hebron one of the oldest cities in the world.
Hebron is one of the most memorable sites of Palestine, as the abiding place of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.