Wendelin Martin Grenatier von Schwitz. Military costumes of the Swiss cantons 1792-1794 by Franz Feyerabend.
Category: Genre
Shooter Friedelinus Wiechser from Contingent Glarus
Shooter Friedelinus Wiechser from Contingent Glarus. Military costumes of the Swiss cantons 1792-1794.
Woman of the African tribe of Kanembu from Lake Tchad 1930s.
Kanembu is the name of people who lives east of Lake Chad and belongs to the Republic of Chad.
Skull deformation.
Skull deformation. Wife of a Mangbetu Chief, Belgian Congo 1925.
Empress Josephine At Château de Malmaison 1804.
The Malmaison Castle (Château de Malmaison) in Rueil-Malmaison west of Paris was the residence of Emperor Napoleon and his wife Josephine.
Woman from Kamtschatka, Russia 1840
Woman from Kamtschatka, Russia 1840 From the book: Mœurs, usages et costumes de tous les peuples du monde, d’après des documents and authentiques et les voyages des plus récents; (1843) Author:… Read More
Costume of British Alderman
Costume of British Alderman 1843 Title of Assistant Secretary in the British Isles, member of a municipal assembly or council in many jurisdictions founded upon English law. From the Book: Manners, customs and costumes of all… Read More
Costume Iman of Turkey, Ottoman Empire 1843.
Costume Iman of Turkey, Ottoman Empire 1843.
Sebastian Huber ensign of St. Fiden. Switzerland military uniform.
Sebastian Huber ensign of St. Fiden the high Principality of St. Gallen Contingent.
English hair styles of the 1930s
Illustration of English hairstyles of the 1930s in Fashions in Hair. The First Five Thousand Years by Richard Corson. English hair styles of the 1930s: a. Major; b. Regent; c.… Read More