CHAPEAUX. Models de GEORGETTE el de Suzanne Talbot. LE STYLE PARISIEN, 1916.
Category: Genre
Petite Soiree, Chapeaux de printemps 1922
Petite Soiree, Chapeaux de printemps 1922.
Waterloo cuirasses and sword from Napoleon’s army
Waterloo cuirasses and sword from the army of Emperor Napoleon I.
Woman from the Quimper Region Brittany, France.
Woman folk clothing from the Quimper Region Brittany France. Costumes Nationaux by Lepage Medvey, Editions Hyperion, 1939. Gallery: Traditional French national costumes
Greek woman with bib over peplos and chiton poderes.
Figure with diploidion or bib over peplos and chiton poderes. Read more: Ancient Minoan Civilization. The Palace of Minos at Knossos. The Ancient Greek Costume by THOMAS HOPE. Gallery: “On the… Read More
Chapeaux. Les modes du Moyen Age. Costume féminin français.
L’histoire du costume féminin français. Les modes du Moyen Age, de l’an 1037 à l’an 1461. Chapeaux. Escoffion, Chapeau breton, Collier, Hénin, Banniere des Chapeliers, Chapeau d’élégante.
Woman from the Bethmale Valley, Pyrenees.
Woman folk clothing from the Bethmale Valley, Pyrenees. Costumes Nationaux by Lepage Medvey, Editions Hyperion, 1939. Gallery: Traditional French national costumes
New Kingdom, clothing in ancient Egypt.
New Kingdom, clothing in ancient Egypt. Man with a long skirt and Sandal. 19th Dynasty New Kingdom. Wig with headband and uraeus snake. Was worn by the king at different… Read More
Basque dancer, France.
Basque dancer.
Man from Provence, France.
Man from Provence, France.