Garde du Roi, Corps des 200 Gentilshommes. Guard of the king. The Corps of the 200 Gentlemen. France Military 1570.
Category: Genre
Timbalier, Horse drummer. (XVIIth century). Reign of Louis XIV.
Timbalier, Tambour à Cheval. (XVIIe siècle). Règne de Louis XIV. Gravure extraite de l’ouvrage de H. Gourdon de Genouillac.
Knight of Saint-Louis in 1639 and Dairywoman in 1680.
The Order of Saint Louis was founded on April 5, 1693 by King Louis XIV. Of France and awarded for military merit.
Shops at Galerie du Palais de Justice. 17th century.
Stores in the Gallery of the Palace of Justice. Reign of Louis XIII. Les Boutiques de la Galerie du Palais de Justice. Règne de Louis XIII. Bibliothèque Nationale.
French military hairstyles and helmets.
Glance at the French military hairstyles and helmets. Coup d’oeil sur les coiffures militaires Françaises 1780-1894
The sacred temple of the Kaaba of Mekka.
Praying round the sacred temple of the Kaaba of Mekka. See here all illustrations of the book The Life of Muhammad by Alphonse-Étienne Dinet. The Kaaba (Arabic الكعبة) ‘) is… Read More
French fashion of the aristocracy at the court of Louis XIV.
Costume de Prince en 1670. Costume de demoiselle d’honneur en 1661. Reign de Louis XIV.
Embroideries and decorative objects of the Breton peasants.
Brittany. Traditional Jewellery. Embroidery of the chupen; the gouriz, the corquen. Antique bronze fibulae.
Infanterie légère. Tambour Major. Light infantry. Drum Major. France 1850.
Infanterie légère. Tambour Major. 1850.
Alethe, Priestess of Isis. The Epicurean, by Thomas Moore.
When Alethe arrived at a suitable age, she was taught, like other children of the priestesses, to take a share in the service and ceremonies of the shrines.