Helmet of Muhammad XII. Abu Abdallah. The last Moorish king.
Category: Spain
Emperor Charles V on his way to the convent, 1556.
Emperor Charles V reached on 11 November 1556 with his entourage Tornavacas in the province of Cáceres, Extremadura.
Costume Espagnol du XVI Siecle. Spanish costume from the 16th c.
Renaissance court dress. Nobility 16th century. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Spanish bullfighting arena with Matador at Madrid.
Spanish bullfighting. Arena with bullfighter and bull attacking at Madrid.
Fanny Elssler dances the Cachucha, 1836
Fanny Elssler dances the Cachucha. Le Diable boiteux 1836. In the ballet, “the limping devil” by Casimir Gide.
Costume espagnol Toreros (taureador).
Spanish Torero bullfighting costume, 1831. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Espagnol Bolero. Spanish Bolero dancer and a guitar player.
The bolero is a Spanish dance which was invented in 1780 by Sebastian Zerezo, a dancer at the Spanish court in Cadiz.
Costume Espagnol, Bolero. Spanish bolero dancers.
The bolero is a Spanish dance, which evolved from Contradanza and Sevillana.
Espagnol Serenade. Guitariste, musicien et chanteur espagnol.
Spanish Serenade. Spanish guitar player, musician and singer. Costumes historiques par Achille Devéria
Bullfighting Torero. Corridas de Toros en España.
In Spanish bullfighting, the corrida (“race”), the bullfighter is called torero (from toro = “bull”).