Frances Stewart was one of the great beauties of the Jacobean court, she was also the patron of Captain John Smith of the Virginia Colony.
The Taj Mahal at Agra. Mausolem of Mumtaz Mahal and Shah Jahan.
The view taken of the Taj Mahal in the plate before us, is from the Jumna, which washes a wall of red granite, the boundary of the magnificent garden in which this splendid structure rises.
Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi, a leader of the great Indian uprising of 1857.
Lakshmibai, Rani of Jhansi Lakshmibai (Hindi: लक्ष्मीबाई, Lakṣmībāī, originally Manikarnika मणिकर्णिका Maṇikarṇikā; born 1828 in Benares; deceased on 17th June, 1858 in Gwalior) was a Rani (Queen) of Jhansi and… Read More
The Grand Durbar at Cawnpore after the Indian Uprising of 1857.
Grand Durbar at Cawnpore after the suppression of the Sepoy Revolt. Lord Canning investing the loyal Rajahs with decorations and proprietary rights by Marshall Claxton, Blackie and Son, London, Glasgow and Edinburgh, 1862.
Grande Robe à la Française. Court dress during the reign of Louis XVI.
Young lady of quality in a large dress with an elegant bonnet or Pouf called the Victory.
Japanese koto. Instrument for traditional Japanese music.
The koto was introduced from China to Japan during the Nara period (710-793) as an instrument of court music (Gagaku).
The Lantern lighter after Carl Vernet around 1823. Historical professions.
Historical professions. City employee who lights the street lamps at nightfall. Parisian Characters around 1823.
English roses around 1900: history and varieties
English roses: history and varieties
Model dresses by Jean Patou and Bernard & Cie in September 1929.
Les Créations Parisiennes. La Mode est un Art. Paris 1929.
Assyrian and Persian Art. Examples of Decoration, Ornamentation.
Assyrian and Persian Art of Nineveh and Persepolis.