Example of a chair of the latter half of the fifteenth century, with decoration from the latest period of Gothic architecture
Portrait of a Lady playing the Guitar by François-Hubert Drouais.
She is sitting in a park, in a theatrical costume with a shepherdess’s hat.
The Wapiti Deer or American Elk. Cervus canadensis.
Zoological sketches. The Wapiti Deer or American Elk of the New World.
The market cross at Glastonbury, Somerset.
Antiquities of Great-Britain. The market cross at Glastonbury, Somerset by Thomas Hearne
Attitudes by Emma, Lady Hamilton (1765-1815)
Emma, Lady Hamilton (1765-1815) was a Europe-wide celebrated beauty, artist and socialite of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century.
Minoan ornament in applied Art. Crete and Greece.
Decorative Motives from the Arts of early Crete and Greece. About 2000 B. C. Middle and Late Minoan.
Longevity of Animals by Catherine Gore
A world of wonders, with anecdotes and opinions concerning popular superstitions by Albany Poyntz (Catherine Gore).
Costumes of Indo-China. Annamites, Cambodia and Siam.
A sampan or river boat used in Cochinchina glides along a narrow canal; it is ridden by a dozen Annamites of all conditions.
Glastonbury Abbey in the county of Somerset, England.
The memories of the British Inyswytryn, the Saxon Glaestingburge, the modern Glastonbury, or as it was sometimes called the isle of Avalon
The Laura of Mar Saba near the Dead Sea.
Nine and a half miles, on horseback, from Jerusalem in the unique grandeur of its situation (the Wilderness of Engedi, near the Dead Sea), the Laura of Mar Saba…