The flower seller making a sales pitch, the city of Florence in the background.
Locals of Pisa in typical costume in front of an orphanage.
Locals of Pisa with English neckerchief and french handkerchief in front of an orphanage.
Specimens of Turkish embroidery. The silk goods of Turkey.
Sir Matthew Digby Wyatt (1820-1877) – Specimens of Turkish Embroidery – from the Industrial Arts of the Nineteenth Century (1851-1853).
Types from the distinguished, bourgeois and mercantile world of the 17th c.
Netherlands 17th century. The coach. The hedge labyrinths. Types from the distinguished, bourgeois and mercantile world.
Costume at Lerici, Italy. Percy Bysshe Shelley’s last home.
Costume at Lerici on the east side of the Gulf of La Spezia. Here were passed Shelley’s happiest days.
Ojira, To Her Lover, poem from The Garden of Kama.
Ojira, To Her Lover, poem from The Garden of Kama and other love lyrics from India
The David street. Jerusalem. City of the Great King.
This particular thoroughfare is the David street in its normal condition today. It is the principal street of the city Jerusalem.
Persian Shah Abbas or Ispahan Carpet in Vase design of the 17th century.
Among the few entire carpets of its kind known to exist is this vase design from South Persia, known by the names “Shah Abbas” and “Ispahan.”
A military Mandarine. Portrait of Van-ta-zhin 1805.
His boots are of satin, with thick soles of paper: these are always worn by the mandarines and superior Chinese.
The Tomb of the poet Virgil. Roman-era crypt in Naples. Italian scenery.
Virgil’s tomb (Italian: Tomba di Virgilio) is a Roman-era crypt in Naples, believed to be the grave of the poet Virgil (15 October 70 BC – 21 September 19 BC).