Historical Berber Costumes of Morocco. Morocco is a state in the north-west of Africa.
Tag: African customs
Traditional African dress, culture and customs of the various regions.
Adoo Quamina in war dress. Ashanti Ghana.
Adoo Quamina in war dress, a captain and courtier to the Ashanti king at Coomassie (Kumasi).
The paintings of the Bushmen in South Africa.
The paintings of the Bushmen in South Africa by Dr. Otto Mosaik. Berlin 1910. Edited by Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Fosen).
The Cape of Good Hope and surrounding countries.
The beginning of modern historiography in South Africa is set to 6 April 1652, when the Dutchman Jan van Riebeeck on behalf of the Dutch East India Company established a supply station at the Cape of Good Hope.
African King of Bussa. Kingdom of Oyo, Western Sudan.
African King of Bussa. Kingdom of Oyo, Western Sudan. Roi de Boussa.
Africa. Girl from Timbuktu. Historical clothing.
Africa. Girl from Timbuktu. Historical clothing. Jeune fille de Timbouctou (Afrique).
Bornu empire. Sudan Africa. Girl from Kano.
Bornu empire. Sudan Africa. Girl from Kano. Historical clothing.
African girl from Kano, Sudan.
Jeune fille de Kano. Africa Sudan, girl from Kano.
South African medicine man. Living Races of Mankind 1902.
Living Races of Mankind. A popular illustrated account of the customs, habits, pursuits, feasts, and ceremonies of the races of mankind throughout the world by Henry Neville Hutchinson
African tribe of Yetsang. Hairstyle. Southern Cameroons.
Hairstyle of a girl from the African tribe of Yetsang (Southern Cameroons).