Mughal Empire. Indian Helmet, shield and swords.
Tag: Crafts
Textil Art from India. Design for a shawl.
Fac-simile of a portion of a native Indian drawing. Design for a shawl.
Terra di Lavoro. Two woolen carpets. Italy 18th c.
Two woolen carpets of the “Terra di Lavoro”
Salon de Musique of Queen Marie Antoinette
Salon de Musique of Queen Marie Antoinette, Palace of Fontainebleau, France.
Painted glass. Gilbert de Clare, 5th Earl of Gloucester
Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester of the name, was one of the principal barons who took up arms against King John. The royal line of the Plantagenets.
EDWARD III, King of England and Wales. Anjou Plantagenet dynasty.
Edward III. from the Anjou Plantagenet dynasty, is considered one of the most important English rulers of the Medieval times.
Ornamental Metal Work from East India.
Ornamental Metal Work. Ornamented Weapons, etc. Contributed by the Rao of Kutch.
Ko-omote. Noh. Japanese theater masks.
The Noh theater is traditionally performed in conjunction with Kyōgen, a kind of comedy.
Louis-seize. Fabrics. French Silks hanging patterns.
The silks, the designs for which form the subject of our plate, all come from that branch of French manufacture to which Golbert, under Louis XIV, gave so powerful an impulse
Chariot relating to a prince. Tell el-Amarna – 18th dynasty.
Chariot relating to a prince. Tell el-Amarna – 18th dynasty, called the Amarna period of ancient egypt.