Costume of the Members who constitute the Council of Elders.
Tag: French Revolution Costume
Bourgeois costumes in France at the time of the Revolution, 1794.
The Public Walk at the Palais-Royal in 1792
The elegant Parisian society of 1792 in the gardens of the Royal Palace: elegant crowd, gathered under the trees, discussing and courting.
A Lady and a Gallant. France Directoire 1795.
A Lady and a Gallant. France 1795.
Merveilleuse and Incroyable. French fashion of the Directoire.
Marie Therese Louise Lamballe of Savoy, Princess of Carignan.
Princess Lamballe. This illustrious female was one of the most innocent victims of the Revolution
Timeline of the French Revolution 1789 – 1799.
Timeline of the French Revolution 1789 – 1799. January 24, 1789 – November 9, 1799 – Coup of 18 Brumaire to Paris – the end of the French Revolution.
Incroyables and Muscadins. French dandies. The Days of the Directoire.
Royalists, Anti-Republicans, Anti-Jacobins. Type of Dandy during the Directory. Cafe des Incroyables.
Fashion under the French Revolution 1789 to 1802.
Great Days of the Revolution. Fashion under the French Revolution & Directoire Period 1789 to 1802.
Jean-Marie Collot d’Herbois. French revolutionary.
Jean-Marie Collot d’Herbois demolishing buildings of Lyon. French Revolution.
Paul Barras, Member of the Executive Board.
Paul Barras 1755-1829. Member of the Executive Board Le Directoire.