The figures are all taken from fashion journals. The period includes the last period of the convent, the rule of the board of directors and the beginning of the consulate.
Tag: Neoclassicism
France. At the horse race at the Promenade de Longchamp. 1802.
France. The fashions under the consulate. Fashionable Parisians enjoy a beautiful spring day at the horse race at the Promenade de Longchamp in 1802.
The fashions of the end of the 18th century. After German Journals.
Europe. 18th century. The French influence. Under the reign of terror, the development of fashions began and reached perfection under the direction of the Directorate.
Directoire costume of the Executive Board.
Members of the Executive Directory are accorded full military honours.
Directoire Members of The Council of the Five Hundred.
This Council initiates the laws; it is within this Council that the resolutions which are presented to the Council of Elders are formed.
Directoire Member who constitute the Council of Elders.
Costume of the Members who constitute the Council of Elders.
Bourgeois costumes in France at the time of the Revolution, 1794.
Masked Paris Opera Ball 1804, by Jean-Francois Bosio.
Costumed Empire people at a masked ball at the Paris Opera 1804. Illustration by Jean-Francois Bosio. Composition pour le “Journal des Dames”.
Marie Therese Louise Lamballe of Savoy, Princess of Carignan.
Princess Lamballe. This illustrious female was one of the most innocent victims of the Revolution
Fashion under the French Revolution 1789 to 1802.
Great Days of the Revolution. Fashion under the French Revolution & Directoire Period 1789 to 1802.