Italian Marine Band of Chicago which played at the World’s Columbian Exposition during the Fair season
Tag: North American costumes
North American costumes
Light horse squadron, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Light horse squadron, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Source: The United States of America. A study of the American Commonwealth, its natural resources, people, industries, manufactures, commerce, and its work in literature, science,… Read More
Confederate Uniforms. American Civil War. Sezession.
Confederate Uniforms. North Carolina Militia. Reg. Infantry Private. Washington Artillery. Montgomery True Blue. Filed Officer. General Lee.
United States uniforms in the Civil War (1861 to 1865).
The Household History of the United States and its people by Edward Eggleston.
Tayadaneega Mohawk Indian chief of the Six Nations.
Thayendanegea, means “two sticks bound together”, denoting strength.
Inhabitants of North West America.
Inhabitants of North West America.
Blackfeet tribes. Chief of the Blood Indians. War chief of the Piekann.
Blackfeet tribes. Chief of the Blood Indians. War chief of the Piekann, Koutani Indian.
Battle between Assiniboine warriors and Blackfeet. Fort McKenzie.
Battle between Assiniboine warriors and Blackfeet in front of Fort McKenzie on the Upper Missouri River, 1833.
Dakota woman and Assiniboin girl. Tribal group of the Sioux.
The Dakota or Dakhóta (often Santee or Eastern Dakota) are the eastern dialect and tribal group of the Sioux from the Sioux language family.
Numahkahke people. The Interior of the hut of a Mandan Chief.
The Mandan are a small, originally semi-nomadic Indian people of North America from the Sioux language family who lived along the Missouri River.