First Empire Fashion and Hairstyles from 1800 to 1810. According to the fashion journals of the time. Modes et Coiffures de 1800 a 1810. D après les journaux de mode de… Read More
Category: 1810
King of Saudi Arabia. Sheikh Abdallah I. Ibn Saud.
Sheikh Abdallah I. ibn Saud (1740-1818) from the House of Saud, ruled the First Saudi State and was Imam of the Wahhabi
A Jelowdar sketched from life. Head of the caravan.
One of the Envoy’s Jelowdar. A person who leads and looks after a horse on the road.
Fashion history. Reign of Napoleon I. 1804 to 1814.
Fashions under the First Empire. Reign of Napoleon I. 1804 to 1814.
A Favorite Occupation of Joséphine de Beauharnais.
A Favorite Occupation of Joséphine de Beauharnais. French first empire. (England: Regency, Georgian period) Joséphine de Beauharnais (born Marie Josephe Rose de Tascher de la Pagerie; 1763-1814) was the wife of… Read More
Madame Bonaparte receiving Ambassadors at the Tuileries
Madame Bonaparte receiving Ambassadors at the Tuileries by Felician Myrbach. From the aquarelle by Felicien baron de Myrbach-Rheinfeld. Still holding Madame Bonaparte by the hand, Talleyrand would present the members of… Read More
Shakos during the Napoleonic wars.
Shakos of the 19th century. Napoleonic wars (Coalition Wars).
Paris full dresses in 1810. Miscellaneous Observations.
The fashions of London & Paris. (1798‐1806). London
Japanese noblewomen with child in 1810.
Japanese Noblewomen with child in court dress by Franz von Siebold
Japanese Nobleman in court dress, 1810.
Japanese nobleman with states clothing by Franz von Siebold