This famous Club was a threefold celebrity—political, literary, and artistic. It was the great Society of Whig leaders, gallant as well as political.
Category: 19th Century
Bust of a black African woman and man by Charles Cordier
Masterpieces of industrial art & sculpture at the International exhibition, 1862
The dance of the Tarantella. Italian scenery.
What the fandango is to the Spaniards, the tarantella is to the Neapolitans.
Specimens of Japanese Art. Cloisonné Enamel Designs.
Ornamental Cloisonné Enamel Designs. Polychromatic ornament by Auguste Racinet.
Cloisonné Enamel. Specimens of Chinese and Japanese Art.
The various specimens of enamel by Auguste Racinet.
The Wapiti Deer or American Elk. Cervus canadensis.
Zoological sketches. The Wapiti Deer or American Elk of the New World.
Attitudes by Emma, Lady Hamilton (1765-1815)
Emma, Lady Hamilton (1765-1815) was a Europe-wide celebrated beauty, artist and socialite of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century.
Longevity of Animals by Catherine Gore
A world of wonders, with anecdotes and opinions concerning popular superstitions by Albany Poyntz (Catherine Gore).
Costumes of Indo-China. Annamites, Cambodia and Siam.
A sampan or river boat used in Cochinchina glides along a narrow canal; it is ridden by a dozen Annamites of all conditions.
Indian Art. Niellos and engraved metals. Ornamental decorations.
Niellos and engraved metals. Ornamental decorations on utilitarian objects.
Indian arts and crafts of the 19th century.