Mo is a form of foresight (also known as divination) that is part of Tibetan culture and religion.
Category: 19th Century
Royal Sappers and Miners. Working Dress 1854.
Royal Sappers and Miners. Working Dress 1854.
Mountaineer. Traditional Norway costume in 1896.
A Mountaineer. Traditional Norway costume in 1896.
A Lapp boy. Norway costume in 1896.
A Lapp boy. Norway 1896.
Hardanger costume. Norway 1896
Hardanger costume. Norway 1896.
Mower maid 1896. A Norwegian “Maud Müller”.
A Mower maid from Norway 1896. Norwegian “Maud Müller”.
A Norwegian Yeoman 1896. A Voyage to Viking-Land.
The term Yeoman generally referred to the Yeomanry in medieval England, later tenants and small landowners. Moreover, yeomans were also called higher servants in the noble court.
Historical Berber costumes from Morocco, 1862.
Historical Berber Costumes of Morocco. Morocco is a state in the north-west of Africa.
A Lapp encampment. Norway 1896.
A Lapp encampment. Norway 1896.
A Norwegian Bride 1896. Traditional Wedding dress.
A Norwegian Bride 1896.