A Lapp encampment. Norway 1896.
Category: 19th Century
A Norwegian Bride 1896. Traditional Wedding dress.
A Norwegian Bride 1896.
Mallorcan costumes. Spain 1862
The Mediterranean, its islands and shores by Émile Rouargue. Illustrations by Messrs Rouargue frères.
Peru 1821. Females of Lima.
Peru 1821. Females of Lima. Historic costumes. Lima is the capital of the South American Andean state of Peru. Lima is located on the Río Rímac at the foot of… Read More
The Armenian bishop of Djulfa, Azerbaidjan. c. 1886
The Armenian bishop of Djulfa, Azerbaidjan. c. 1886. The cathedral of Eschmiadsin.
Wakf property of Daniel. Visit to Sheikh Thae.
Wakf property of Daniel. Sheikh Thae. Visit to Sheikh Thaer, administrator of the Wakf property of Daniel, 1848. Iran. Khuzestan. Ab-Dizfoul and the secretaries of Sheikh Thaer. Drawing of Tofani,… Read More
Servants and Peasants of Madrid. Spain 1835
España. 1. Siervos de Madrid. 2. Traje de Campesinos.
Bull Run. 51st regiment, New York & Pennsylvania.
The 51st regiment, New York & Pennsylvania at Bull Run. American Civil War, Battle of Bull Run in July 1861
Arabian inhabitants of Mecca and Medina, 19th century
Arabian inhabitants of Mecca and Medina in traditional clothing of the 19th century. Vêtements traditionnels. Arabe de Médine, femme de la Mecque et femme de Médine
Algeria Officer of the 9th regiment of horse hunters.
Algeria Officer of the 9th regiment of horse hunters. (Oran 1881)