Carvings on Gallo-Roman tombs show the fashionable gallic women dressed in the penula, sometimes they have an apron over a very short tunic.
Category: France
Ancient Gallic cloaks. Merovingian fashion history.
Gallic cloaks. GAUL Plate 4.
Coiffure l’Ingénue, Coiffure en Hérisson a crochets 1785.
Cabinet des Modes, Ou Les Modes Nouvelles.
Agnès-Drecoll. Robe d’après-midi en crêpe de Chine noir.
The European Grand Prix at the Circuit de Lyon 1924
Costumes by Georges Dœuillet, Jeanne Lanvin, Jean Patou, Premet,
Sarah Bernhardt (1844-1923). French actress
Sarah Bernhardt (actually Marie Henriette Rosine Bernardt) was a French actress. She is considered the most famous actress of her time.
A peasant bride from Brittany in 1840
Peasant bride from Brittany in 1840
The court society of the castle gathers for a ride.
Miniature of the Breviary of Cardinal Grimani, attributed to Marciana Biblioteca of S.Marc, Venice. Fifteenth century.
Proclamation of a tournament in the ages of chivalry.
Anne Dauphine of Auvergne in armorial robe.
Anna Dauphine d’Auvergne (1358 – 1417) Countess of Forez, Comtesse de Montpensier