Charlotte Corday 1768-1793. Coiffure 1er Republique. Charlotte Corday. Première République française. „Album de coiffures histories“ by E. Nissy. Published 1890 by Albert Brunet. Hairstyle during the French revolution. Charlotte Corday was a… Read More
Category: France
Marie Madeleine de la Vieuville, comtesse de Parabère.
Official mistress (maîtresse en titre) of Philippe II de Bourbon, duc d’Orléans (1674-1723), regent for the minor king Louis XV, and thus one of the most important persons in the Régence period.
Men in Parisian society suits, 19th century.
Parisian Dandy in Tailcoat with Top Hat and Lorgnette
French hat fashion by Marie Louise, Paris 1917.
Modèls de Marie Louise. CHAPEAUX, 1917. Modèls du Style Parisian.
RÊVE D’ESPAGNE, Création Cora Marson.
RÊVE D’ESPAGNE, Création Cora Marson.
Court dress July 1794. Petticoat of white silver tissue. Rutland gauze.
Court dress July 1794. THE GALLERY OF FASHION Vol. 1,. April 1794 to March 1795. Published by Nikolaus von Heideloff, London.
France. Hairstyle of the 17th century. Coiffure Louis XIV.
Hair fashion in the time of Louis XIV. 17th century.
Juliette Récamier. Coiffure 1st Empire.
Juliette Récamier 1777-1849.
Coiffure Louis XVI. Rococo period.
Coiffure Louis XVI. Rococo period. „Album de coiffures histories“ by E. Nissy. Published 1890 by Albert Brunet.
Mme. Premet fashion. Model of Crepe Chinois 1913
Mme. Premet fashion. Model of Crepe Chinois 1913. Plaid silk deep girdle and sash. Black Crepe Chinois skirt. White chiffon waist embroidered with tiny drop bulton of old rose beads and gold… Read More