Few monarchs have been so distinguished by their avidity for knowledge and instruction as Francis I.
Category: Genre
The Gloucester Cathedral
Gloucester Cathedral is still considered “one of the most important and enigmatic monuments in the history of art”.
The Siberian or Manchurian Tiger (Felis tigris mongolica)
The tiger is, and apparently always has been, an essentially Asiatic animal
Hilendar on Mount Athos, the “Holy Mountain.”
The mountain of Athos is well known throughout the entire Orthodox world as the centre of a great monastic republic.
Brasses at Boughton Malherbe, Kent, England 16th c..
The pedimental head-dress, which had so long a reign, is well represented by the brasses at Boughton Malherbe, 1529.
King Richard and the third crusade. The Knights of english history.
The Exploits of King Richard I. the Third Crusade. The siege of Acre. The third crusade.
Bramshill House. Hampshire, United Kingdom.
BRAMSHILL HOUSE is one of the most perfect of the remaining mansions of the time of James the First.
James Wolfe and the capture of Quebec City.
James Wolfe (1727-1759) was a British general, significant for his role in Britain’s conquest of Canada.
The Jains. Benares, the sacred city in India.
Jainism is the only one of the early Indian monastic orders which has handed down almost intact its tenets and organisation to the present day.
The Dead Sea looking towards Moab April 4th 1839
The View is taken from one of the hills of Engedi, immediately above the Convent of St. Saba