Usi e Costumi. Antichi e Moderni di Tutti Popoli del Mondo. Narrati e descritti da L. Bellinzoni. Editore Perino. Roma, 1900.
Category: Genre
Oriental Costumes. Farasia. Kaftan. North Africa, Morocco.
The Farasia, Kaftan. This garment is a shirt-dress with wide sleeves, it is buttoned over the chest.
Darius III and Courtiers. Persia 350 BC.
Darius III and Courtiers Asia Tempi Antichi. Persia. Dario III E Cortigiani.
Ghimney sweep. Germany 19th century.
Ghimney sweep. Germany 19th century. Romanticism, Biedermeier Era.
Adoo Quamina in war dress. Ashanti Ghana.
Adoo Quamina in war dress, a captain and courtier to the Ashanti king at Coomassie (Kumasi).
Cyrus II of Persia on the Battle Field.
Cyrus II of Persia Born around 590 BC to 580 BC; died August 530 BC. Asia Tempi Antichi. Persia. Ciro sul campo di Battaglia.
Hindu Asamese. The Moamariah. Ethnology of Bengal.
Moamariahs are not all of the same caste or race; but the majority are Ahoms.
Dessins de broderie. France 1818.
Dessins de broderie Embroidery designs. France 1818.
Attendant, French Lords costumes. 14th c.
Attendant, French Lords costumes 1360 to 1365.
The Sun King in theater costume. Louis XIV at the carrousel.
Le Roi soleil en costume de théâtre. Louis XIV au carrousel. Costumes civils et militaires des Français à travers les siècles.