Dalmatica of German Emperor Henry II.
Coronation mantle.
Dalmatica. Coronation mantle of Henry II. 973 or 978-1024, from the noble family of the Ottonians, was when Henry IV. 995-1004 and again from 1009 to 1017 Duke of Bavaria, from 1002 to 1024 King of the East Frankish kingdom (regnum Francorum orientalium), 1004-1024 King of Italy, and from 1014 to 1024 Roman-German Emperor.
Henry II was married to Cunegonde of Luxembourg. They had no children, Henry II. was thus the last emperor of the dynasty of the Ottos. Pope Eugene III. spoke him in 1146 sacred, some later historians therefore bequeath him the nickname “the Holy”. His feast day is the day of death, 13th of July.

Source: Cathedral Treasure of Bamberg.
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