Embroidered Bobinet Scarf from Delphi, India. Art treasures of the United Kingdom from the Art Treasures Exhibition 1858.
Metallic Art. Weapons and armament from India, 17th c.
Mughal Empire. Indian Helmet, shield and swords.
Comtesse de Provence in Robe de Cour, Moyen Panier 1778.
LA COMTESSE DE PROVENCE. Robe de Cour, Moyen Panier 1778. Galerie des Modes et Costumes Français Dessinés d’Apres Nature 1778-1787.
Textil Art from India. Design for a shawl.
Fac-simile of a portion of a native Indian drawing. Design for a shawl.
A Lady and a Gallant. France Directoire 1795.
A Lady and a Gallant. France 1795.
Merveilleuse and Incroyable. French fashion of the Directoire.
Inhabitants of the Gutach Valley in the Black Forest
Residents of the village Gutach in the Black Forest, Wolfach office around 1900.
Dutch costume. Girl of Marken, Holland, 1910.
Dutch costume. Girl of Marken, Holland, 1910. The people of Holland by Nico Jungman.
The story of Catalina de Erauso, the fighting nun lieutenant.
THE story of Catalina de Erauso, the Spanish nun who became famous as a soldier
Marie Therese Louise Lamballe of Savoy, Princess of Carignan.
Princess Lamballe. This illustrious female was one of the most innocent victims of the Revolution
Matron, maid, citizen. Bourgeois women 17th c.
German baroque fashion in 1644. Matron, maid, citizen.