Buddhist “Tso-fu-sze” ceremony performed to evoke rain and end drought, illustrated in a charm.
Tag: Chinese scenery
China, in a series of views, displaying the scenery, architecture, and social habits, of that ancient empire by Thomas Allom.
Taoist protective formulas against house fires.
Taoist priests use colored charms and rituals to protect and cleanse homes from fire, invoking the God of Fire.
Pilgrimages and the sacred hills of Buddhism in China.
Pilgrimages and the sacred hills of Buddhism in China.
Chinese wife with bound feet, 1891.
Chinese wife with bound feet, 1891.
Various opium pipes. Opium smocking in Shanghai 1899.
The native opium grown in China, is generally considered the most inferior, and the Indian opium, especially Malwa and Patna, the best.
China 1897. The dying coolie by Isabella Bird Bishop.
Tien An Men parade. Chinese National Day 1954.
Chinese National Day. Tien An Men parade 1954. National Day, October 1- here in Pecking’s Tien An Men Square, Chairman Mao Tse-tung reviews the marching columns of the paraders. Source:… Read More
Olunchun woman hunter under Chinese Communism 1950s.
An Olunchun hunts woman makes some purchases in a co-operative.
Chinese archer of the flying dragons, or called scudding clouds.
The Chinese “braves” are employed to aid the civil magistrates as policemen, to act as custom- house officers at the military stations, along the roads, rivers, and canals; and also to mount guard at the city gates.
Se Tseaou Shan, or “The Western Sacred Hills” of Guangxi.
Se Tseaou Shan, or “The Western Sacred Hills” of Guangxi. China, in a series of views, displaying the scenery of that ancient empire.