Costumes and scarves in the 18th and 19th century. The fashion of classicism during the French directorate, consulate and first empire.
Category: 1803
The Graecomania. Modes of the Directory and the Consulate.
Women’s fashion of classicism in France at the end of the 18th century. Modes of the Directory and the Consulate (1795-1804).
The fashion masters. Paris in transition from Directoire to Empire.
France. The fashion of the dandies from 1801 to 1805. Paris in transition from Directoire to Empire.
The fashions of the end of the 18th century. After German Journals.
Europe. 18th century. The French influence. Under the reign of terror, the development of fashions began and reached perfection under the direction of the Directorate.
Empire Fashion and Hairstyles from 1800 to 1810.
First Empire Fashion and Hairstyles from 1800 to 1810. According to the fashion journals of the time. Modes et Coiffures de 1800 a 1810. D après les journaux de mode de… Read More
A Chinaman. Chinese Mandarin and the dog as a sign of dignity.
The dog is a sign of dignity both in China and Siam. It appears at the portrait VAN TA GIN in Barrow’s Travels in China wears on his breast.
Don Manuel discovers Beatrice. Schiller’s “The Bride of Messina.”
Schiller’s “The Bride of Messina.”
Fashion history. Reign of Napoleon I. 1804 to 1814.
Fashions under the First Empire. Reign of Napoleon I. 1804 to 1814.
Back Figure of a Yakutan Girl, Sakha traditional folk dress.
Back Figure of a Yakutan Girl, Sakha traditional folk dress 1803. Front Figure of a Yakutan Girl Une Fille Yakoute, par derrière. THE most learned and revered of the Yakutan… Read More
Back Figure of a Yakut, Sakha in his Hunting Dress.
Back Figure of a Yakut, Sakha in his Hunting Dress 1803. Front of of a Yakut, Sakha in his Hunting Dress. Un Yakout en Habit de Chasse, par derriére. ALTHOUGH the… Read More